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Voices Of Connection - Spotlight One

Sep 19, 2024

2 min read




Reminding Us That We’re All One at Heart

Spotlight One: Lydia J

1. What has been the most unexpected insight or realisation you’ve gained through your experience with The Energy Studio?

I wasn’t sure what to expect but I started with The Energy Studio’s ‘women’s break through breath session’, after a male friend had loved the session for men. 

I was tired of feeling lost, lonely, heavy hearted, talking about the same issues on repeat and getting no where, plus I felt I’d dealt with past trauma with my psychologist and antidepressants.. my mind was fine but the ache was still there in my body. I couldn’t pin point why I was so unsettled… I needed to resolve this heavy weight/ache that was in my bones plus I had huge anxiety and waves of panic… It is so important to me that I’m present for my three teenage children, they need me and I’m their solo parent 90 percent of the time, I could see that my self sabotage was going to result in me missing out on them! I was a hot mess before and in complete fight and flight/ survival mode 🥲

I was ready to lean into uncomfortable feelings to move forward… during that first session, I unknowingly cleared trauma from 4 souls, I saw their faces and the weight of each one as they left. I immediately started feeling better. Step one! 

2. How do you integrate the practices and teachings from The Energy Studio into your daily life or routine?

I wake 1/2 an hour earlier to do my Kriya to ‘experience my own power’ 

I talk to myself with kindness and love. 

I take the time to breathe and do tasks with mindfulness.

I attended the 6 week Empress course, every Friday, to learn, have a healthy focus and cement new healthier habits.

I have since been able to holiday alone without anxiety. I have stopped self sabotage by numbing with blackout drinking, drugs, smoking. (On weekends without my children) I have started loving and now back myself. 

3. If you could travel anywhere in the world for a month, where would you go and what would you do there?

Europe .. skiing or hiking or swimming. Anything in nature and soaking up their culture

4. How have the connections and community within The Energy Studio influenced your sense of belonging and support?

I have been so grateful to connect with like minded women and feel a sense of community. I’ve loved Fridays Empress Experience and feeling love from a wonderful group in a safe space… the whole experience has literally helped calm my nervous system 🥰🙏

5. If you could master any new skill or hobby overnight, what would it be and why?

Singing and guitar, so I can be a rock star!


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